Submit your proposal: 2025 AETA Dr. Brad Stroud Memorial Research Award

The Board of Directors of the American Embryo Transfer Association (AETA) is pleased to provide an opportunity for funding to support practitioner-initiated research projects that focus on advancing the knowledge and efficiency of applied assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) in livestock species. The goal of the association is to provide some financial support and access to statisticians that will ensure that the data generated by AETA-funded projects will be robust under critical evaluation and will benefit the AETA membership at large. Projects can be funded up to $10,000 per project, with additional funding possible for exceptional proposals.

Please disseminate this request for proposals to be considered for 2025 (project start dates between January 1, 2025–December 31, 2025). The request for proposals submission deadline is July 31, 2025. 


  • The project leader must be a member of AETA in good standing
  • The project must address a contemporary problem in the embryo transfer industry
  • The experimental design must be sufficiently robust to withstand critical review. Assistance with experimental design and statistical analysis is available at no cost through various land-grant institutions. Proposals with evidence of statistician evaluation will be reviewed more favorably. For additional information, please contact the AETA office
  • Results must be reported to the AETA in an acceptable format (poster presentation, newsletter, etc.)
  • It is strongly encouraged that project leaders include student members of AETA on their research teams; proposals that include student members will be given preference

Proposal Guidelines

The text of the proposal should be single spaced, set in 11 pt. font, and no longer than 4 pages in length. The proposal text should include the following:

  • Title of the proposal
  • Names and addresses of project leader and other key personnel
  • Problem statement and the impact on the embryo transfer industry
  • If available, preliminary data is encouraged
  • Objectives
  • Materials and Methods (including locations of research)
  • Conclusion and intended means of dissemination (i.e., publication, presentation, etc.)

A budget sheet should be included with the proposal (not included in the text). Please consider the following: 

  • The AETA does not pay for any indirect costs (ICR, F&A, etc.)
  • Funds from the AETA cannot be used to make capital purchases
  • Funds from the AETA cannot be used to fund internships or externships and must only be used for hours spent on the proposed project (i.e., consumables, supplies, or consulting fees)

For projects that require cooperation from external entities (i.e., livestock businesses or operations that own the animals in which the work will be conducted), letters of support from those entities should also be included in the proposal packet (not in the proposal text).

Proposals can be submitted to the AETA via email at or by mail to

American Embryo Transfer Association
1800 South Oak St., Suite 100
Champaign, IL 61820-6974

Proposals received by the AETA will be forwarded to the cochairs of the Research Committee. The Research Committee will then evaluate the proposals and determine whether a project should be funded. Each proposal will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, and may involve reviewers external to the American Embryo Transfer Association. The Research Committee will have 60 days from the date of submission to conduct a review and communicate funding recommendations to the AETA Board of Directors. Funding status announcements will be made at the 2025 Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Dr. Brad Stroud created a legacy as a lifetime learner and was always on the cutting edge of research and technology. Dr. Stroud, who passed away in February 2023, was a friend and mentor to many, an AETA Past President (1990-1991), IETS Past President (1993), AETA Edwin Robertson Lifetime Achievement Award recipient (2019), and IETS Distinguished Service Award recipient (2020).

Because of Dr. Stroud’s commitment to the embryo transfer industry, the 2023 AETA Research Award (first awarded in 2022) was renamed in his honor.

The Brad Stroud Memorial Research Award exists to provide an opportunity for funding to support practitioner-initiated research projects that focus on advancing the knowledge and efficiency of applied assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) in livestock species. The goal of the award is to provide some financial support and access to statisticians, to help ensure that the data generated by AETA-funded projects will be robust under critical evaluation and will be of benefit to the AETA membership at large.

The projects awarded in 2023 were funded by the AETA Research Committee and the generous donations of Dr. Stroud’s friends, family, and colleagues. Because of the outpouring of support, the AETA Research Committee was able to approve funding for three research projects.

We are proud to list those projects below, in alphabetical order by year awarded.

2024 Research Award Recipients

2024 Effects of Uterine Stimulation and Follicle Aspiration on Embryo Production from Superovulated Cows

PI/Co-Pls: Dr. John Gibbons and Jessica Looman

2023 Research Award Recipients

Follicular wave synchronization with/without follicle stimulation in Bos Indicus and Bos Indicus-influenced beef cattle

PI/Co-PIs: Ky Pohler, Cliff Lamb, Damon Smith, Brette Poliakiwski

Machine learning models to predict embryo survival of cryopreservation

PI/Co-PIs: Russell Killingsworth, Cameron Hayden, John Gibbons, Darin Dunlap

Non-invasive techniques to access the genomic stability of in vitro derived preimplantation bovine embryos

PI/Co-PIs: Charles Looney, Kenneth Bondioli, Emily Girka, Ashlyn Brewer

2022 Research Award Recipient 

Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate for Delivery of a Single Intramuscular Injections of FSH for Follicle Stimulation in Beef Cattle

PI/Co-PIs: Kenneth Bondioli, Charles Looney, Erin Oberhaus