
AETA Purpose

The purpose of the American Embryo Transfer Association is to unite those organizations and individuals in the United States engaged in the embryo technology industry into an affiliated federation operating under self-imposed standards of performance and conduct:

  • To present a unified voice of the industry to promote the mutual interests and ideals of its members;
  • To protect the users of the embryo technology industry to the extent technically and ethically possible;
  • To educate the public properly to the status and capability of the United States embryo technology industry;
  • To encourage others to engage in the pursuit of this industry.

Our Vision

The American Embryo Transfer Association embraces its responsibility as the resource for embryo technology in the United States. This authority is developed and supported through our commitment to excellence in several broad areas.

Education is our first priority.

AETA improves the quality of all ET practice by providing a direct link between the science laboratory and field applications. We support diverse learning opportunities through our annual meeting and wet labs, extensive web based services, our newsletters, and the AETA Talks podcast. By developing and supporting "best practices" we avail this broad experience to all practitioners.

Our second commitment is to develop and maintain high industry standards.

It is documented with several standards of quality, culminating with the gold standard: Certified ET Practitioner.

As AETA delivers on Education and Standards of Quality we become the "voice" for our diverse membership. We honor that responsibility with commitment to collaboration with other associations, scientific societies, and government regulatory agencies at all levels.

AETA can deliver all of the above value propositions to our membership only if we embrace the fundamentals of a sound organization. Management is important. We are self governed through an empowered Board of Directors and many working committees. All of our administrative and financial practices are sound and transparent.

The core of our association is anchored with our members…their integrity, their sound judgment, their joy, camaraderie, and commitment to each other. These make the soul of the American Embryo Transfer Association.