AETA Committees

The AETA Committees and their members, listed below, are vital to the operations and success of the association.

If you are interested in volunteering for one of the committees, please reach out to the committee chair. You will find their information in the membership directory.

To design and implement policies and procedures which insure the safekeeping of the organization assets.


Greg Schueller, DVM
Greg Schueller, DVM
Sunshine Genetics

Committee Members

Kent Bindl, DVM
Dairy Doctors
Cary Schroeder, DVM
Lena Veterinary Clinic
Allen Strecker, DVM
Blue Ridge Animal Clinic
Jen Rediske, DVM
Veterinary Associates

To implement procedures and testing of the Certification Program, to oversee the promotion of the Certification Program, to continue it as a viable program for the embryo transfer industry. To implement procedures and coordinate the on-site inspection of certified individuals.


Clay Breiner, DVM
Clay Breiner, DVM
Cross Country Genetics North Inc.

Committee Members

Matthew Bartlett, DVM
Bartlett Veterinary Services
Dustin Davis, DVM
Dynamic Concept Services, LLC
Tyler Dohlman, DVM
Iowa State University
Glenn Engelland, DVM
Sun Valley Embryo Transfer PA
John Gibbons, PhD
Texas Tech University
Brad R. Lindsey, PhD
Ovitra Biotechnology Inc.
Clem Neely, DVM
SEK Genetics
David Strathman, DVM
Central Valley Embryology

To develop the outline and framework of the current year's convention including speakers, program ideas, format, and related subjects. These decisions must be made by the Committee, and the Association Office will proceed with the mechanics of promoting and coordinating the actual staging of the program, working jointly with the Committee.


Kent Bindl, DVM
Kent Bindl, DVM
Dairy Doctors
Justin Kristjansson, DVM (CETA)
Justin Kristjansson, DVM (CETA)
Earl Grey Veterinary Services

Committee Members

Matthew Bartlett, DVM
Bartlett Veterinary Services
Daniela Demetrio, DVM
RuAnn Genetics
John Gibbons, PhD
Texas Tech University


Aaron Prososki, DVM
Aaron Prososki, DVM
Sunshine Genetics

Committee Members

Rachael Bonacker, DVM
Cross Country Genetics
Kevin Crandall, DVM
Rocky Mountain Vet Services
Darrel DeGrofft, DVM
Colorado Genetics Inc
Daniela Demetrio, DVM
RuAnn Genetics
Tyler Dohlman, DVM
Iowa State University
Nate Dorshorst, DVM
GenOvations Inc
Zebulon Duvall, DVM
Ashby Genetics
Lee Jones, DVM
Boehringer-Ingelheim Animal Health
Tom Mercuro, DVM
Mercuro Farms
Em Mowrer, DVM
Stonehouse Veterinary Service
Michael Pugh, DVM
Westwood Embryo Services Inc
Daren Statler, DVM
Keystone Embryo Transfer LLC

The Education Committee is charged with exploring and developing new educational opportunities for the members of the AETA. The primary focus of the committee at this time is the area of web-based education.


John Gibbons, PhD
John Gibbons, PhD
Texas Tech University

Committee Members

Pat Comyn, DVM
Virginia Herd Health Manag. Service P.C.
Gary Hash, DVM
Trans Ova Genetics
Lee Jones, DVM
Boehringer-Ingelheim Animal Health
Kevin Lindell, DVM
Eclipse Genetics
Cole Ratzburg, MS
Bobcat Angus and Ratzburg Livestock
Kelsey Savell, DVM
Florida Veterinary and Reproductive Services
Jon Schmidt, DVM
Trans Ova Genetics

To enhance participation by ET support companies as exhibitors and/or sponsors of events and programs at AETA Annual Convention with emphasis on:

  1. Increasing the number of exhibitors each year.
  2. Providing incentives for exhibitors to "showcase" new technology and products through their participation in the convention program.
  3. Encouraging continued exhibitor support of coffee breaks, fellowship breakfasts, and evening functions.
  4. Expanding participation of established breed associations.


Justin Helgerson, DVM
Justin Helgerson, DVM
DRIVEN Embryo Services LLC

Committee Members

Rodney Bachtell, DVM
Twin Oaks Dairy LLC
Bill Croushore, DVM
White Oak Veterinary Clinic

To work with appropriate governmental agencies to provide information to encourage proper regulations, and to oppose those things which are not practical or feasible from a health and commercial point-of-view. This would involve both domestic and international shipment of embryos. To develop the American Embryo Transfer Association as the recognized spokesman for the ET industry and to keep the membership informed on the various activities through special bulletins from the Association headquarters.


Ashley Swenson, DVM
Ashley Swenson, DVM
Midwest Embryo Transfer Service LLC

Committee Members

Kyle Clymer, DVM
Trans Ova Genetics
Bill Croushore, DVM
White Oak Veterinary Clinic
Daniela Demetrio, DVM
RuAnn Genetics
Matt Iager, DVM
Mid-Maryland Dairy Veterinarians
Larry Lanzon, DVM
Embryo Inc.
Joe Mancino, DVM
Tom Mercuro, DVM
Mercuro Farms
Kyle O'Nan, DVM
O'Nan Veterinary Services
Keith Poulsen, DVM
Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Justin Price, DVM
Grace Acres Farms LLC
Dagmara Schroeder, DVM
Stateline Veterinary Service
Marcus Schroepfer
Greg Schueller, DVM
Sunshine Genetics
Brittany Scott
SMART Reproduction
Tad Thompson, DVM
Reproduction Specialty Group
Jeremy VanBoening, DVM
Republican Valley Genetics
Wendy Walker
Embryo Inc.
Abbie Warmka, DVM
ABS Global

AETA welcomes veterinarians, scientists, technicians and students, as well as allied professionals directly involved in the embryo transfer industry. The Membership Committee seeks to increase and enhance the membership. The primary responsibilities of the Membership Committee are to review and recommend to the Board any alterations in membership policies/fees, review and select recipients for the annual student scholarship award, and promote AETA at conferences and meetings. 


Joel Anderson, DVM
Joel Anderson, DVM
Cross Country Genetics North, Inc.

Committee Members

Joel Carter, PhD
Carter Embryo Transfer Services
Mark James, DVM
Remuda Veterinary Center
Dean Koesel, DVM
DNA Embryo Transfers Inc
Gabriela Lamberti, PhD Student
Oklahoma State University
Jen Rediske, DVM
Veterinary Associates
Nathan Schmidt, DVM
Peter Schmitt, DVM
Trans Ova Genetics

The Purpose of this committee shall have the responsibility to nominate potential Board members and to present a slate of officers to the new Board at their first Board meeting.


Daniela Demetrio, DVM
Daniela Demetrio, DVM
Ruann Genetics

Committee Members

Thomas Rea, DVM
Genetics West

The Professional Review Committee shall have the responsibility to review, study, and make recommendations regarding disputes among AETA members, complaints against AETA members, or questions in regard to the ethical conduct of members.

The Committee shall review complaints and attempt to resolve the differences to the satisfaction of all parties.


Matt Bartlett, DVM
Matt Bartlett, DVM
Bartlett Veterinary Services

Committee Members

Kent Bindl, DVM
Dairy Doctors
Tyler Dohlman, DVM
Iowa State University
Daniela Demetrio, DVM
Ruann Genetics

The purpose of the promotion committee is to advocate the value of embryos and technologies solely produced by the AETA members to local clientele, government agencies, and international trade partners.


Matt Iager, DVM
Matt Iager, DVM
Mid-Maryland Dairy Veterinarians

Committee Members

Pat Comyn, DVM
Virginia Herd Health Management Service P.C.
Daniela Demetrio, DVM
RuAnn Genetics
John Gibbons, PhD
Texas Tech University
Mark James, DVM
Remuda Veterinary Center
Charles Looney, PhD
University of Arkansas
Gabriela Murphy, Graduate Research Assistant
Oklahoma State University
Ramon Tosta-Duarte, DVM
New Life Veterinary Services


Bethany Funnell, DVM
Bethany Funnell, DVM
Purdue University
Kevin Lindell, DVM
Kevin Lindell, DVM
Eclipse Genetics

Committee Members

Joel Carter, PhD
Carter Embryo Transfer Services
John Gibbons, PhD
Texas Tech University
Chuck Gue, DVM
ProGenesis Embryo Transfer Ltd.
Matt Iager, DVM
Mid-Maryland Dairy Veterinarians
Brad Lindsey, PhD
Ovitra Biotechnology Inc
Clint Walhof, DVM
Valley Veterinarians Inc
Matt Wheeler, PhD
University of Illinois
Wendy Walker
Bow Valley Genetics LTD + Embryo Inc
Lee Jones, DVM
Boehringer-Ingelheim Animal Health

Develop effective methodology for retrieving important information for the ET industry in the United States, Summarize the data, and report results to the AETA membership.


Charles Looney, PhD
Charles Looney, PhD
University of Arkansas

Committee Members

Alvaro Garcia Guerra, DVM
The Ohio State University
Scott Larsen, DVM
Larsen V.E.T.

To contact a Board or commitee member, please reach out to AETA headquarters.