Abstract Submission Instructions

DUE DATE: Abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (central time) on July 31, 2025

General Information: Members are encouraged to submit original research, teaching, and extension abstracts for poster presentation only. Posters should consist of original, completed work that has not been accepted for publication in a journal.

Authors need to be aware of patent considerations before submitting abstracts for publication.

No-Show Policy: If an abstract is accepted for presentation as a poster, the author(s) must register for the annual meeting to present and answer questions. If a presenter is not registered for the meeting by September 9, 2025, the abstract will not be published. It will be removed from the program and will no longer be available for presentation at the meeting.

Abstract Submission Guidelines: All abstracts must be submitted online at https://www.fass-abstracts.org/meetinginfo.asp?meetingcode=329

It will not be possible to submit abstracts after the deadline: July 31, 2025 after 11:59pm central time. When you submit your abstract, you will be given a tracking number and password. Make a note of these; they will allow you to revise your submitted abstract at any time until the deadline.

Space limitations allow a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces and punctuation, title, keywords, and tables). Begin the count at the title and end the count with the last keyword or end of a table, if one is included. Only one table per abstract is permitted. The word count does not include author names and affiliations. The system will automatically reject abstracts that are too long. Special characters, such as Greek letters and math symbols, can be inserted via the electronic submission form.

Abstract Requirements: The author submitting the abstract is responsible for its content and the quality of the preparation.

Abstracts are required for posters that would like to be considered for presentation at the 2025 AETA-CETA/ACTE Joint Annual Meeting.

The AETA Research Committee is responsible for accepting or rejecting abstracts. Criteria for acceptance or rejection will include those outlined here and in the “Quality Standards for Abstracts” document. The Research Committee will also consider originality, clarity, and merit. Consolidation of results into one combined abstract is urged whenever possible.

Author Notification: Authors will be emailed by September 1, 2025, indicating the status (accept or reject) of their abstract.

Presentation Information:

  • Accepted abstracts will be displayed as posters at the annual meeting and presented during the scheduled poster sessions
  • The abstract will be published in the meeting proceedings
  • A PDF of the poster will be published in the AETA Newsletter: A Closer Look

If your abstract includes a table: The electronic submission form allows submission of 1 table per abstract (optional), and the content of the table will count towards the 2,300-keystroke limit. The printed abstract width allows for 70 keystrokes per line, including spaces. Tables should be a maximum of 10 columns and 15 rows; keep this in mind when you are formatting tables. Tables that are too wide cannot be formatted properly.